Monday, November 24, 2008


I have caught a cold!! Nothing is worse than being sick and over due with your baby!! My new worry is that I am going to be sick when I deliver which will make it harder on me but most of all that I wont be able to hold and kiss my little one when she decides to come!! I hope I get better soon!!


Tarah Peacock said...

Oh no! I am so sorry, maybe that's why she won't come out she knew you would be sick. I hope you get better soon! Get plenty of rest and sleep sis.

Cami said...

ah that isn't good at all.. i sure hope you get better quick. the only hard part about having a cold when you are pregnat is you can't take the good medicine that helps quick!

i can't wait for her to come!

Heidi Madsen said...

being sick is never fun, especially when you are ready to pop! I hope that you go into labor REALLY soon! We will difinitely be thinking about you!

jake.shalise said...

Oh darlin I'm so sorry your sick if I could I would take it for you. I bet that's hard being prego and sick... Get some rest dear!

Jessi Fogg said...

That sucks that you are sick. If you do deliver while you are sick, make sure you breast feed. She will get your antibodies your body is making for the cold and she won't get it.

Anonymous said...

i hope that you didn't blog today because you are in labor! and I hope you are also feeling better.