Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chelli's Belly at 26 weeks

So I have been a slacker and havent posted my belly pics ever on my post and only once on my myspace (that was at 16 weeks) So I decided I would show the world my belly. Here is Me, baby, and belly at 26 weeks!! P.S. I know my shirt is ripped. And no it is not ripped because I am huge!!


jake.shalise said...

How beautiful you still are! Your belly is so darn cute I love it girl! I want to see you guys! Lets play now

Derek and Mckenzie said...

you look sooo cute prego!! i wish i can look as good as all of my friend who have been prego in the last 2 yrs!!!!
we need to hang out some time!
Call me or text me and we can plan some time

Love always

Olivia Jane Designs said...

I love your belly Michi! Sorry I saw you called but my phone is completely ruined :( It had a slight mishap with a toilet this past week haha. I will call you as soon as I get the replacement (hopefully tomorrow).

About Us said...

Michelle!! YOu are the cutest pregnant girl ever. You are still so tiny with this little belly poppin out I love it!

Jessi Fogg said...

Your belly is SO Cute! You have a little basket ball belly. I love it!